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Media Releases - Ombudsman for Banking Services
Ombudsman honours best banks at resolving complaints (November 2023)
At the OBS Annual Banking Awards ceremony, the top-performing banks were recognised for their efforts in resolving compaints.
Car repossessions on the rise in difficult economy: Consumers must know their rights (October 2023)
As vehicle repossession increases when people fall behind with vehicle repayments, the rights of consumers and banks need clarification.
The OBSSA sounds the alarm over digital wallet fraud. (August 2023)
It is no secret that technology has made it easier for fraudsters to steal and manipulate personal information through phishing emails,...
Fraud remains a big problem for banking customers (May 2023)
Although banks appear to be making greater efforts to resolve some types of consumer disputes internally, banking fraud related to...
The OBS champions consumer financial protection within the banking industry (April 2023)
The need for trust within the banking sector has, in recent years, never been more important than it is today. Recent times have seen the...
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