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Client News - Ombudsman - Banking
Ombud van bankdienste kan so help
ClInthudi van lbaniallienste kan so help Tehoefte aan vertroue' Die behoefte aan vertroue in die banksektor was nog nooit so groot as...

South African banks with most Ombudsman
Capitec had the highest number of complaints of all large South African banks in 2022, while Absa had the lowest number. Nedbank and...
Learn from these complaints
Learn from these complaints BANKING: IT'S VITAL TO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AS A CUSTOMER TO ENSURE YOUR MONEY IS SAFE .+ To hold bank liable for...
Fraud remains a big problem for banking customers
Property ownership remains a powerful aspiration for South Africans, while a home is likely to be the largest investment many will make....
Consumer ninja - Ombudsman for Banking Services
Kwanda Vabaza from the office of the Ombudsman for Banking services
Kwanda Vabaza from the office of the Ombudsman for Banking services on the show speaking about services that they offer to consumers....
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